Agency Handy

Asana Client Portal

Asana Client Portal: Does It Really Work or Just A Myth? [Explained]

Asana Client Portal

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re already aware that Asana wasn’t designed as a client portal—but that doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted into one. 

While lacking some client-facing features, Asana’s flexibility allows for a collaborative space where clients can track project progress, share feedback, and stay in the loop. 

In this guide, we’ll show you how to turn Asana into a makeshift client portal, providing transparency and building trust without switching platforms. 

Ready to unlock Asana’s potential for your clients? Let’s get started.

 Let’s dive in.

Does Asana Feature A Client Portal?

Although Asana doesn’t feature a built-in client portal, you can make it feel like one with some customization and a few workarounds. 

By leveraging project spaces, permissions, and dashboards, you can create a space where clients can check progress and collaborate.

That said, there are some limitations:

Does Asana Feature A Client Portal?

Lack of Client-Facing Features 

Asana is designed for internal project management and team collaboration, but it falls short when it comes to client-facing features. 

While you can invite clients as “guests” or “viewer” to view tasks and updates, it doesn’t offer tools specifically for clients, like invoicing, payment processing, or direct messaging.

Task comments are helpful for internal communication, but they don’t provide the seamless feedback and approval process you might need when working directly with clients. 

Additionally, Asana lacks the customizable features found in dedicated client portals, such as white-labeling and personalized client communication spaces.

Permissions and Privacy

Managing what clients see in Asana is possible through permissions, but it’s not always straightforward. 

Guests can only view tasks and projects they are specifically invited to, which means you need to manually manage these settings for each client. 

And the major headache will be creating a separate project for them and inviting them there only. And whether they’re invited as a Viewer or Commenter, they’ll see what’s happening in the project in and out. 

Additionally, the platform’s permissions structure can become complex and difficult to manage as your client base grows.

Manual Workarounds for Customization

Creating custom dashboards and views for clients is possible, but it often involves manual work to keep everything updated. 

Automation options are limited, so you might end up spending extra time adjusting dashboards and making sure clients only see what’s relevant to them.

If you’re managing multiple clients, this manual effort can quickly add up and become a major time drain for your team.

No Direct Client Communication Channels

Asana, though excellent for project management, lacks a built-in space for client-specific communication. 

Unlike true client portal tools that integrate conversations, payments, and updates in one place, Asana depends on third-party apps. 

For example, while you can integrate Slack for client chats or QuickBooks for invoicing, this adds layers of complexity and cost.

Though you can modify Asana with these integrations, it doesn’t offer native features like seamless client messaging or built-in invoicing. This can slow down communication and introduce friction when managing multiple clients.

Key Elements of A Successful Client Portal Client Portal

A client portal is more than just a login page—it’s your gateway to smooth communication, easy collaboration, and organized project management. Let’s break down what makes a client portal truly effective.

Key Elements of A Successful Client Portal Client Portal

Client Communication and Messaging

Clear communication is at the heart of every successful project. A good client portal offers a dedicated space where you and your clients can exchange messages, share updates, and discuss services in one place. 

This eliminates the need for scattered emails or external apps, keeping everything organized and accessible. With built-in messaging, you can ensure that nothing falls through the cracks, and both you and your clients are always in the loop.

Task Management and Progress Tracking

Clients need visibility into the progress of their projects, and the best client portals provide tools to make that happen. Features like task boards, calendars, and progress bars give clients a real-time view of where things stand. 

Whether it’s tracking deadlines, checking task statuses, or monitoring project milestones, these tools provide a clear, up-to-date snapshot. 

This level of transparency not only keeps clients engaged but also helps avoid confusion or unnecessary follow-ups.

Client Feedback and Approval Workflows

Gathering feedback and getting approvals shouldn’t be complicated. 

A well-designed portal lets clients review tasks, leave comments, and approve deliverables with just a few clicks. 

This streamlined workflow speeds up the process, ensuring that feedback is handled promptly and tasks move forward without delay. It’s all about keeping collaboration smooth and efficient while making sure that clients feel involved and heard.

Ticketing System for Support

A strong ticketing system is a vital component of any client portal, providing an efficient way for clients to submit issues or service requests. Once a client submits a ticket, it’s automatically assigned to the relevant team member for resolution. 

Both the client and the team can track the ticket’s status in real time, ensuring clarity and transparency throughout the process.

With organized tracking, priority levels, and real-time updates, the ticketing system simplifies client communication and ensures that all concerns are addressed promptly. 

File Sharing and Storage

File management can be a hassle, but a great client portal simplifies it. 

You can easily upload, share, and store project files in a secure environment, ensuring that everything is organized and accessible. No more bouncing between external drives or cloud services—everything your team and clients need is right at their fingertips. 

This not only saves time but also ensures that important documents are always in one place, reducing the risk of losing track of files.

Real-Time Updates

Clients appreciate being kept in the loop without needing constant updates. 

A client portal that provides real-time notifications on task progress, milestones, or any changes ensures they always know what’s happening. 

These updates build trust and help clients feel more confident that the project is moving forward as planned. It also reduces the need for frequent check-ins, freeing up time for more productive work.

Billing and Invoicing

Handling payments shouldn’t be a pain point any longer. With integrated billing and invoicing features, your client portal makes it easy for clients to manage payments. 

Automated invoice generation, payment reminders, and subscription management are all built-in, meaning no one has to chase down payments manually. 

Clients can view and pay invoices directly through the portal, streamlining the financial process for both sides.

Customization and Control

Every client is different, and their experience with your portal should reflect that. 

Customization options let you tailor each client’s view to highlight the most relevant information, tasks, and milestones. 

With features like custom branding, flexible dashboards, and adjustable access controls, a good portal allows you to provide a personalized experience. 

This level of control ensures that clients only see what matters to them, making their interactions with the portal more focused and efficient.

Security and Access Control

When it comes to client data, security is non-negotiable. 

Your portal should offer robust protection, including multi-factor authentication, role-based permissions, and end-to-end encryption. 

These security features ensure that sensitive information is only accessible to those who need it, while also safeguarding your internal processes. Keeping client data safe builds trust and protects both your agency and your clients.

How to Create a Client Portal in Asana: Step-by-Step Guide

You can easily turn Asana into a client portal by using its features in a way that works for your clients. By setting up dedicated workspaces, automating updates, and managing permissions, you can create a client-friendly system within Asana.

But there are limitations, too. We’ll share them along the way.     

Step 1: Set Up a Client-Focused Project & Invite

Begin by creating a dedicated project space for each client. In Asana, clients are invited into the project by assigning them roles based on their involvement level—viewer, commenter, or editor. 

Customize task lists, milestones, and labels to create a clear, organized workspace that gives clients an overview of progress. This setup maintains transparency while keeping sensitive project information secure.

Step 2: Manage Permissions and Access Control

A key feature of any client portal is ensuring that clients only see the information relevant to them. 

Asana’s role-based permissions allow you to control access levels for each client. You can assign roles such as viewer, commenter, or editor depending on their involvement. 

The permission allows viewers to only observe the project, while commenters can provide feedback, and editors are allowed to make changes directly.

The platform also offers object-based permissions, so you can control access at the task or project level. This ensures security and simplifies the client’s ability to track their assigned tasks, feedback loops, or approvals. 

Time tracking, for instance, can be restricted for internal use, keeping the client’s view clean and straightforward.

Step 3: Automate Work Progress Updates and Visualize Timelines

Automating work progress saves time and ensures that clients receive real-time updates without manual intervention. 

Set up automated workflows in Asana to handle repetitive tasks like progress notifications, status updates, and reminders for upcoming milestones. For instance, when a task moves from “in progress” to “completed,” an automatic notification can be sent. This alerts the client that a milestone has been reached. 

Automation can also extend to Slack notifications or email updates, ensuring that clients are consistently informed.

Asana’s Timeline feature allows you to create Gantt-chart-style views that display project phases and deadlines. This offers clients a clear visual representation of progress, making it easy to track key milestones.

They can easily see task dependencies, upcoming tasks, and how project milestones align, helping them adjust expectations and stay engaged. 

Automation and visual tools work together to keep project execution smooth and efficient. This reduces the need for manual updates, saving time for both your team and clients.

Step 4: Communication and Feedback Channels

Asana offers robust communication features, including both task-specific comments and a chat feature available within each project. 

Team members and clients can engage in real-time conversations, share feedback, and resolve issues directly through project chats or by leaving comments on individual tasks. This ensures a centralized and accessible space for all discussions.

In addition to comments, custom forms allow clients to submit detailed requests or approvals, which can automatically create tasks, making communication more actionable and organized within the platform. 

These tools streamline collaboration, keeping everyone aligned throughout the project.

Step 5: Workspace Personalization and Custom Dashboards

Asana’s home dashboard offers some flexibility with personalization. You can change the background color, and add widgets like tasks, goals, portfolios, and status updates. 

Furthermore, it allows for private notepads, draft comments, and forms. Each project in Asana includes a customizable dashboard, offering a tailored view to meet the specific needs of the client or team. 

You can configure the dashboard to display key metrics such as incomplete tasks, overdue tasks, total tasks, and completed tasks. It provides detailed insights such as incomplete tasks by section and total tasks by completion status. 

Additionally, you can track upcoming tasks by assignee, task completion over time, and total tasks by priority. This flexibility allows you to focus on the most relevant project data, ensuring clear visibility into project health and progress.

However, when adding clients, challenges arise. If clients are added at the dashboard level, they could see all projects, not just those relevant to them. 

Assigning them specific roles like editor, viewer, or commenter helps restrict access, but setting this up for each client can be time-consuming, especially with multiple projects. 

Customizing dashboards individually for clients also requires significant effort, making it difficult to manage efficiently.

Step 6: Analytics, Reporting, and Time Tracking

Effective analytics are essential in a client portal to maintain transparency. Asana offers built-in reporting tools that track task completion, overdue items, and project status. 

However, these metrics are primarily visible on the dashboard and not specific to individual projects. This limits their utility for client-facing reports.

Time tracking in Asana requires third-party integrations to log hours. While useful for internal billing and performance tracking, this data isn’t always easily shared with clients, which can reduce its effectiveness for client-facing purposes

Step 7: Integration with Third-Party Tools

One of Asana’s strengths as a client portal is its ability to integrate with other essential business tools. Platforms like Slack, Google Drive, Dropbox, and even invoicing tools can be connected to your Asana workspace. 

These integrations simplify project management by centralizing all tools in one place, reducing the need for clients to jump between multiple platforms. 

This flexibility also extends to billing and invoicing, where third-party tools like PayPal or Stripe can automate the payment processes through integration.

Step 8: File Sharing and Document Management

Finally, efficient file sharing is crucial in any client-facing tool. By integrating Asana with Google Drive or Dropbox, you can ensure all files are stored in one centralized location. 

Clients can easily access, download, or upload documents related to the project. All files remain attached to their corresponding tasks, ensuring everything is easy to find, even as the project grows.

Potential Pitfalls of Using Asana as a Client Portal

While Asana offers versatility as a project management tool, it does come with a few challenges when used as a client portal. Let’s explore some of the limitations that may affect client communication and workflow management.      

  • Lacks built-in client messaging channels, requiring external communication tools.
  • Managing client-specific permissions can be time-consuming and prone to error.
  • Clients may find the interface overwhelming without proper training.
  • Automation features are limited and may not cover complex workflows.
  • No integrated invoicing or payment system for handling client billing.
  • Creating custom dashboards for multiple clients involves manual setup​.
  • Some clients struggle with Asana’s learning curve, affecting adoption rates​.
  • It lacks advanced project management features like critical path analysis.
  • Notifications are often missed, which hinders effective client communication​.
  • Searching for tasks or comments can be difficult and time-consuming​.

What’s the Best Client Portal If Asana isn’t The One?

If you’re looking for something more than Asana’s project management, you might need a client portal with specific client-focused features. The best solution is Agency Handy to focus more on managing client relationships, tasks, and billing in a way that’s tailored for agencies.

Agency Handy: A Dedicated Tool for Client Management

Agency Handy is designed with digital agencies in mind, offering an easy way to manage client services, tasks, and billing without the hassle of traditional client portals. It’s perfect for agencies that want to simplify their operations while keeping everything organized in one place.

With Agency Handy’s service catalog, you can organize your offerings into a catalog with up to 3 packages in each one, complete with detailed descriptions and add-ons. You have the flexibility to show or hide pricing depending on the client’s needs, and clients can leave reviews after the services are completed. 

And once you have the service catalog ready, you can onboard new clients with intake and order forms. Fully customizable to the core and you can integrate customized forms to each service based on your needs. Plus, there’s an opportunity for upselling with the add-ons. 

When it comes to billing, Agency Handy takes the stress out of the process. Invoices are generated automatically once there’s an order, and you can offer options like split payments or recurring billing depending on the service.

If your agency is looking to boost efficiency, improve client communication, and streamline billing, Agency Handy provides everything you need to manage in one single place. 

Key Features of Agency Handy:

Agency Handy offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to streamline agency operations and improve client collaboration. Here they are:

Service Catalog & Customization

Agency Handy makes it easy for agencies to list their services in one place. You can organize services into packages with clear descriptions and add-ons. 

Agency Handy Service Catalog

Each service can be customized up to 3 packages with pricing, and you have the choice to show or hide prices based on your clients.

You can even set up a trial period for clients before they commit to it fully and leave a chance to build trust. Then, clients can leave reviews once the service is complete, building trust. 

Agency Handy Multiple Package

To generate leads, you can even embed the service catalog on your website to convert potential visitors into clients. Also, share on social media platforms as well. It all works smoothly and keeps your branding intact.

Client Onboarding

With Agency Handy, onboarding clients and setting up profiles is simple. 

First off, create custom intake forms that gather all the information you need upfront. These forms can have multiple-choice options, file uploads, and even terms and conditions that clients can sign electronically.

Agency Handy Intake Form

You can also customize the order forms with options for add-on services or upgrades, so clients can choose what suits them best. Even share your terms and conditions to avoid misunderstandings in future.

Agency Handy Order Form

And once you integrate the intake and order form into your services, the process becomes smoother for your clients. They can easily share all the required information and then complete the checkout using their preferred payment method.

Client Profiles

Every time an order is placed, a client profile is created for you automatically. This gives you quick access to their order history, support tickets, and previous communications. 

Agency Handy Client Profile

It helps you stay on top of past interactions, making it easier to offer personalized services that meet each client’s needs. It’s all about keeping everything organized, so you can deliver a more tailored and professional experience.

Order Management

Agency Handy makes it easy to manage tasks, share files, and keep everything organized in one place.

Agency Handy Orders

When a client purchases a service, an order is automatically created for you. You have the flexibility to accept or decline the order depending on your team’s availability. 

Once accepted, you can assign tasks to your team, set deadlines, and prioritize based on importance. The platform’s visual Kanban boards help you track progress, see dependencies, and keep an eye on due dates.

Agency Handy Board

To ensure client satisfaction, the order isn’t marked as complete until the client reviews and approves it. This adds an extra layer of quality control and keeps the client happy. All important documents stay in one file library, so you don’t need to worry about scattered storage or missing files.

Agency Handy Client Feedback

The platform also provides easy-to-follow forms, guiding you through each step to make sure every detail is taken care of. This keeps the process smooth and stress-free for both you and your clients.

Invoicing & Payment Management

Agency Handy makes billing simple with customizable invoices, flexible payment options, and multi-currency support. Through the client portal, you can easily set up split payments and manage different currencies, which is perfect if you have clients across the globe.

Agency Handy Invoice

To keep payments on track, the system sends automatic reminders:

  • Invoice reminders: Sent 3 and 7 days after the due date.
  • Subscription reminders: Sent 3 days and 1 day before payment is due.
Agency Handy Invoice with Subscription

Recurring billing is fully automated, so you no longer need to handle manual invoicing. Payments can be processed through trusted gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Wise, or even manual banking, ensuring that transactions are smooth and secure for both you and your clients.

You can also customize your proposals and quotes to match the services you’re offering, giving you more control over the payment process.

Agency Handy Payment Integrations
Team & Client Communication

Agency Handy brings together collaborative tools for managing both your team and clients, making operations smoother. You can create detailed team profiles, which makes assigning tasks and delegating roles much easier. 

You have the flexibility to assign roles like admin, super admin, manager, or assignee, ensuring tasks are distributed in a way that works best for your team. 

The system also offers role-based permissions, so only authorized users can access sensitive data, keeping everything secure.

Agency Handy Role & Permission

On the client side, Agency Handy shines with its fully customizable client portal. It gives clients real-time updates, allows them to approve tasks, and makes collaboration seamless. 

This makes it easy to keep everyone on the same page and maintain clear communication throughout your projects.

Ticketing System 

Agency Handy makes communication easy with its simple ticketing system. Both you and your clients can create tickets to address questions, issues, or requests. 

Each ticket is tied to a specific order, so it’s always clear which project the ticket is for. This keeps everything organized and prevents confusion.

Agency Handy Tickets

You can assign tickets to the right team members based on their skills, ensuring the issue is handled properly. You can also set priority levels, so urgent matters are handled first.

The system tracks the status of each ticket, from when it’s created to when it’s resolved. This way, nothing is missed, and everyone stays updated.

Customization and Branding

Agency Handy offers strong customization and branding options, making sure your platform truly reflects your agency’s identity. You can fully white-label the platform, including logo, colors, favicons, and custom domains to keep everything aligned with your brand.

Agency Handy Branding

You can also design a custom sign-in portal to match your brand’s theme and vision. Email templates are also customizable, allowing you to create dynamic, personalized messages for each client interaction, ensuring a unique and tailored experience every time.

Agency Handy Email Customization

Plus, with multi-language support, Agency Handy is a great fit for global agencies, making sure communication is smooth and effective across different regions. Don’t need to limit yourself to local clients only!

Agency Handy Multi-Language

Agency Handy Pricing & Plans

Agency Handy offers three different pricing plans for agencies of all sizes:    

Agency Handy Pricing
Pricing tiersMonthly Billing Yearly Billing Users Features 
Solopreneur $69/month$49/month3Unlimited ClientsUnlimited OrdersCustom brandingTask ManagementInvoicingNotesInternal team Conversation Client Approval
Teams $149/month$99/month10
Pro $199/month$149/month30

Head to Head Comparison Between Agency Handy and Asana

Here is a quick comparison table between Agency Handy and Asana:

FeatureAgency HandyAsana
Multi Package Catalog Show up to 3 packages in each serviceNot available
Service Catalog Embedding Available  Not available
White LabelingFully white-labeled portal for client interactionNot available
Built-in Subscription ManagementAvailable  Requires third-party integrations
Invoicing & PaymentsAvailable  Requires third-party integrations
Custom Intake and Order FormsAvailable  Not available
AutomationTask triggers automatically create a list of tasksAutomate client invoicingTask and project automation
Task ManagementVisual task boards with client approvalsTask boards, timelines, and Gantt charts
Communication ToolsIn-built chat and emailsIn-built messaging
IntegrationsWebhooks300+ integrations including Slack, Google Workspace
Payment GatewaysPayPal, Stripe, Wise, and manual bankingNot available
PricingStarts at $49/monthFree plan; Premium starts at $10.99/month


Asana wasn’t designed as a client portal, but with a few adjustments, you can make it work for basic client communication. You can use its project management features like real-time updates, task sharing, and simple collaboration tools to stay in touch with clients.

However, it falls short in some key areas. It doesn’t offer invoicing, advanced communication options, or detailed permission controls, all of which are important when managing clients efficiently.

As your agency grows, you might need something more powerful. Agency Handy provides features tailored for agencies, like multi-package service catalogs, custom domains, and automated invoicing, giving you a more complete solution.

When your needs expand, it’s worth considering if a more robust client portal could better support your operations.


What is Asana?

Asana is a cloud-based project management tool that helps teams organize and track their work. It offers task management, and collaboration features, and integrates with tools like Slack and Google Workspace. Commonly used for project tracking and communication, it’s designed to streamline workflows across various industries.

Can Asana be used as a client portal?

Yes, Asana can be customized as a client portal with features like project sharing, task tracking, and real-time updates for clients.

Does Asana offer built-in billing or invoicing tools?

No, Asana doesn’t have built-in billing or invoicing, but you can integrate third-party tools to manage client payments.

How does Asana handle client permissions?

Clients can be added as “viewer” with limited access, but you’ll need to manually adjust permissions for each project to control what they see.

Picture of Namira Taif

Namira Taif

Namira is a passionate writer and aspiring journalist. With a passion for storytelling and a love for adventure, she brings a unique perspective to her work at Agency Handy. Her writing is influenced by her experiences traveling, exploring the world of esports, and immersing herself in literature.
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