Agency Handy

client onboarding

Client Onboarding: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners (+Templates)

client onboarding

Running a successful agency begins with successful client onboarding. 

According to research, 63% of clients consider onboarding crucial in deciding whether to continue with a service and 74% are more likely to switch if the process is confusing. 

On the other hand, 86% are more likely to stick around when they have a positive onboarding experience.

So, it can either make or break the partnership. 

Done right, you’ll set clear goals and get your client excited to move forward. Miss the mark, and they might question if they made the right choice working with you.

Hence, in this guide, we’ll walk you through:

  • What is client onboarding
  • Why is it important
  • The popular strategies of client onboarding
  • Client onboarding checklist
  • And how to implement them. 

Besides that, we’ll share challenges and best practices of client onboarding and a few templates to get you started right away. Let’s begin, then. 

What is Client Onboarding?

Client onboarding is the process of guiding new clients through the initial steps of working with your agency. It sets the tone for the entire relationship, ensuring clients feel confident and understand the value you’ll bring to their project. 

What is Client Onboarding?

A good onboarding process involves collecting key information, aligning expectations, and setting up clear communication channels. 

By making this process smooth and efficient, you not only make things easier for your team but also reassure clients that they’re in capable hands. 

It’s all about building trust, addressing questions, and making sure everyone is on the same page from the get-go.

Client Onboarding Checklist for Agencies: What Should You Have?

A structured and well-executed client onboarding process lays the foundation for a productive, long-term client relationship. By creating a step-by-step checklist, you ensure a seamless transition from a prospect to a satisfied client. 

Here are the client onboarding checklist for marketing agencies to make your process efficient and impactful:

1. Integrating the Client into Your CRM

Why It’s Important: Centralize all client-related information from the very beginning. This gives your team easy access to contact information, project details, and a full communication history. It’s essential for keeping everyone on the same page.

Pro Tip: Automate CRM integration to immediately store client data from intake forms, reducing manual data entry.

2. Assigning a Dedicated Account Manager

Why It’s Important: Clients need to know who their main point of contact is. Designating an account manager ensures consistency in communication and establishes a trusted relationship from day one.

Pro Tip: Along with introducing the account manager, provide the client with a summary of responsibilities and set communication expectations early on.

3. Personalizing Your Client Questionnaire

Why It’s Important: Every client is different. They have their own goals, challenges, and expectations. By personalizing your client questionnaire, you can gather detailed information that helps you understand exactly what they need. 

This allows you to provide solutions that are truly tailored to their situation, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach.

A customized questionnaire lets you discover essential information, like the specific problems your client is facing, how they prefer to communicate, and their overall business goals. With these insights, you can craft a more targeted approach that makes a bigger impact on their success.

Here are a few potential questions to include in your client onboarding questionnaire:

  • What are the primary goals you’d like to achieve with our services?
  • What challenges are you currently facing that we can help address?
  • Who will be the key stakeholders involved in this project?
  • What is your preferred method and frequency of communication?
  • Are there any software tools or platforms we should have access to for collaboration?

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to ask about budget, long-term goals, and software access.      

4. Organizing a Kickoff Meeting

Why It’s Important: A well-planned kickoff meeting can make all the difference in how your project moves forward. It’s your opportunity to set the tone for your working relationship, ensuring everyone is on the same page from the start. 

This is the moment to align goals, set clear expectations, and introduce the team that will bring the project to life.

Here are a few reasons why organizing a kickoff meeting is crucial:

  • Align goals and expectations: Both you and your client need to be clear on the project’s objectives and what needs to be delivered. This avoids confusion later on.
  • Introduce key team members: It’s essential for your client to know who they’ll be working with and what each person’s role will be throughout the project.
  • Clarify communication channels: This is the time to establish how updates will be shared and how often. Setting up clear communication methods helps prevent misunderstandings down the road.
  • Confirm the project timeline: Review important milestones and deadlines so everyone is aware of key dates and there’s no confusion about when tasks are due.
  • Set actionable next steps: Before wrapping up, make sure tasks and responsibilities are outlined, so the project gets off to a smooth start.

Pro Tip: To make the meeting as productive as possible, send the agenda ahead of time. Include a detailed project plan, key timelines, and a list of next steps.

5. Collecting All Necessary Assets

Why It’s Important: Delays in receiving project-critical assets can stall progress. Ask clients for any necessary files like branding guidelines, images, or system credentials before work begins to avoid interruptions later.

Pro Tip: Set up a shared folder for clients to upload assets. This makes it easy for both sides to stay organized and ensures everyone has access when needed.

6. Creating a Project Timeline

Why It’s Important: A detailed timeline helps your client understand what to expect, when to expect it, and how you’ll meet their objectives. It also ensures accountability on both sides, preventing scope creep.

Pro Tip: Build your timeline with flexibility in mind. Factor in buffer time for potential delays, and send progress updates as milestones are met.

7. Developing a Comprehensive Project Plan

Why It’s Important: A clear project plan is important for keeping things organized and on track. It breaks the project into simple tasks and assigns them to the right people. This way, everyone knows what to do and when to do it, helping the project move forward without confusion.

Sharing the project plan with your client is key. It gives them a clear picture of how things will progress. By reviewing the plan regularly, you can make adjustments if needed, ensuring the project stays aligned with your client’s expectations.

Pro Tip: Being open with your client builds trust. Involving them in the process helps them feel like a partner in the project.

8. Establishing Clear Communication Guidelines

Why It’s Important: Poor communication can easily throw a project off track. By setting clear expectations for how often updates will be shared and which platforms will be used, you ensure that everyone stays informed and on the same page. This helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps the project moving smoothly.

Pro Tip: Set up automatic status updates for your client to reduce constant back-and-forth emails. Also, agree on a preferred method, like email or Slack, for quick responses to avoid delays.

9. Setting Up Invoicing and Billing Gateways

Why It’s Important: An organized billing process is key to avoiding misunderstandings. Set up invoicing and agree on payment schedules before work begins to ensure the client is aware of payment terms. Also, integrate your payment gateways. 

Pro Tip: Provide multiple payment options (PayPal, Wise, Stripe, credit card, bank transfer, etc.) to make the process as seamless as possible for the client.

10. Offering Self-Service Portal Access

Why It’s Important: Give clients control by offering them a dedicated portal where they can access invoices, track project progress, and review important documents. This not only empowers the client but reduces your administrative burden.

Pro Tip: Automate notifications within the portal to alert clients of upcoming deadlines, changes in the timeline, or pending payments.

How to Build and Implement The Agency Client Onboarding Process

Building and implementing a client onboarding process for your agency is key to ensuring long-term success and smooth operations. The goal is to align expectations, establish clear communication, and make sure your client feels supported throughout the process.

Here are 7 essential steps to building and implementing an effective client onboarding process:

How to Build and Implement The Agency Client Onboarding Process

Step 1: Welcome and Sign-On

Once the contract is signed, it’s important to send a welcome message or a series of emails. This step helps build trust and sets clear expectations by outlining deliverables, timelines, and payment terms.

Pro Tip: Personalize the welcome message by including the client’s name and project details. This makes the client feel valued right from the beginning.

Step 2: Organize Onboarding Tasks and Dynamic Deadlines

After signing on, you need to break down the onboarding process into manageable tasks. Assign these tasks to your team and set deadlines that can be adjusted as the project evolves. This helps keep everything on track and ensures nothing is overlooked.

Pro Tip: Use dynamic deadlines that can shift based on changes in the project to keep things flexible and prevent delays.

Step 3: Custom Welcome Email and Introductions

Introduce your client to your team and the tools they’ll be using. 

A series of welcome emails, along with a personalized message in the client portal, ensures your client has everything they need to get started. This helps reduce confusion and allows your team to begin the project smoothly.

Pro Tip: Record a short video tutorial to guide your client through the client portal and key features. This saves time and reduces future questions.

Step 4: Send a Client Questionnaire

Before any work begins, gather important information using a client questionnaire or intake forms. 

Whether it’s project goals, design preferences, or access to necessary files, this step ensures your team has everything they need to start the project on the right foot.

Pro Tip: Use a form builder that adapts questions based on client responses. This keeps the process quick and efficient.

Step 5: Asset Collection and Organizing Files

Ask your client to provide any assets needed for the project, such as logos, brand guidelines, or design files. Store these in a central location so your team can easily access them, ensuring everything stays organized and avoiding miscommunication or delays.

Pro Tip: Use a platform that offers built-in asset management and file libraries to keep everything secure, centralized, and easy to share across your team.

Step 6: Kickoff Meeting for Alignment

Hold a kickoff meeting with the client to discuss project scope, timelines, and milestones. Use project management tools to visually present the project roadmap, keeping everyone aligned on goals and expectations.

Pro Tip: After the meeting, share a visual roadmap with your client and invite feedback. This allows for any necessary adjustments early on and ensures everyone is on the same page.

Step 7: Ongoing Check-ins and Communication

Lastly, establish regular check-ins to update your client on the project’s progress. These ongoing communications ensure your client feels informed and engaged every step of the way.

Pro Tip: Keep check-ins short and to the point. Always end the call with a summary email outlining key takeaways, next steps, and deadlines.

Should You Create A Client Onboarding Checklist?

An agency client onboarding checklist is more than just a to-do list—it’s your guide to creating smooth, reliable experiences for your team and clients. 

Here’s why a client onboarding for agencies checklist is a must:

  1. Improves efficiency: A clear checklist helps you and your client stay organized and aware of every step in the process.
  2. Builds trust and transparency: Clients know exactly what to expect, which strengthens the relationship and prevents miscommunication.
  3. Boosts credibility: A structured onboarding process shows that your agency is professional and detail-oriented.
  4. Reduces errors: By following a checklist, you minimize the risk of missing crucial steps or making costly mistakes.
  5. Supports scalability: As your team grows, a well-defined checklist ensures that anyone can step in and maintain consistency with new clients.
  6. Enhances the client experience: A smooth onboarding process keeps clients confident and happy, which leads to stronger, long-lasting relationships.

In short, a client onboarding checklist helps you streamline the process and provide a more reliable, professional experience for every new client.

What are the Key Phases in the Client Onboarding Process?

There are four important phases in the client onboarding process, and each one helps ensure a smooth transition from prospect to active client. Let’s go through each phase, explaining what happens at every step and how you can carry them out successfully.

What are the Key Phases in the Client Onboarding Process?

1. Pre-Onboarding

What happens in pre-onboarding?

Pre-onboarding begins before the contract is signed, during those important final moments before closing the deal. This phase focuses on preparing for a smooth start to the project. 

The goal is to gather essential information, set clear expectations, and make sure both you and the client are ready to move forward with confidence.

Key steps in pre-onboarding:

1. Assess client goals, needs, and pain points: 

It’s important to understand your client’s goals and needs to deliver the right solutions. While initial discussions may cover some of this, the onboarding process is where you refine these details. A client onboarding survey or questionnaire can help you gather key information such as:

  • The company’s goals and how they relate to your service.
  • Specific challenges or problems they need help with.
  • The tools and systems they currently use.
  • Their preferred communication style and approach.
  • Budget and timeline expectations.
  • Key contacts within their team.

Using customizable intake forms, like those provided by Agency Handy, can streamline this process and help avoid any misunderstandings later.

Agency Handy Intake Form
2. Collect the necessary information

You’ll need to gather critical client data like points of contact, preferred communication methods, and payment information. 

Create customized order and intake forms, ensuring all the essential details are captured upfront. This minimizes the back-and-forth later and sets the stage for an organized start.

Agency Handy Order Form
3. Set mutual expectations and deliverables

Establishing clear expectations is key to preventing misunderstandings later. Using tools like Agency Handy’s order timeline and task management features, you can outline the project’s scope and deliverables. This is where you build trust by ensuring everyone is on the same page.

2. After Signing

What happens in post-contract signing?

Once the contract is signed, formal onboarding kicks off. It’s critical for maintaining momentum and continuing to build trust with your client. Any silence after signing can lead to uncertainty, so the goal is to keep communication clear and consistent. 

Key actions in post-signing:

1. Send a welcome email or packet:

After the contract is signed, it’s crucial to lay a strong foundation for the client relationship. This should confirm the agreement and share key details like timelines, contact info, and important documents. Consider including:

  • Personalized message welcoming the client.
  • Company introduction and history.
  • Key policies and communication channels.
  • Delivery timeline and project scope.
  • FAQs, tutorials, and relevant resources.

If possible, make the packet interactive or include a branded gift to leave a lasting impression.

2. Introduce the team members:

This is the stage where you introduce the team members who will be managing the project. Share each person’s role and responsibilities to ensure transparency. This helps your client feel more connected to the team from the very beginning.

3. Provide access to the client portal:

Grant your client access to a dedicated portal where they can view project progress, timelines, and documents. This transparency builds trust and keeps the client engaged. 

Agency Handy Dashboard

Using the client portal, you can offer real-time updates, easy access to communication threads, and a place to monitor deliverables. 

3. Kick-Off Call

The kick-off call is the formal start of the project and serves as a crucial touchpoint to ensure everyone is on the same page. It’s where expectations, goals, and deliverables are aligned to avoid misunderstandings later on. 

Key discussion points:

1. Review the client’s objectives and define success metrics:

Start by discussing the client’s main goals and what success means to them. Use client intake forms to get a clear picture of their objectives before your meeting. Together, go over the responses to confirm everything is aligned and make any adjustments if needed.

2. Set clear milestones, timelines, and communication preferences:

During your discussion, create a project timeline with clear milestones. Outline key deadlines and deliverables so the client knows when to expect updates. 

Tools like a Kanban board can help you organize tasks and track progress, making it easier to manage everything at a glance.

Agency Handy Kanban Board
3. Assign responsibilities and clarify roles:

Make sure each task is assigned to the right team member, and that the client knows who is handling each part of the project. This helps keep things organized and ensures accountability. 

Using team management tools, you can easily assign roles, giving the client a clear understanding of who is responsible for what.

4. Post-Kickoff Communication

After the kick-off call, maintaining consistent communication with your client is crucial to ensure the project stays on track. This is where you build on the foundation set during the earlier phases and keep the client informed about progress, milestones, and any adjustments.


Schedule regular check-ins (weekly or bi-weekly):

Frequent check-ins are key to keeping everyone aligned. Whether you meet weekly or bi-weekly, these sessions provide an opportunity to discuss any challenges, changes, or updates. 

This ensures that any issues are addressed promptly, keeping the project on track.

Agency Handy Team and Client Communication

It’s also a great time to celebrate small wins along the way. Regular check-ins help maintain momentum and give both you and the client confidence that the project is moving forward smoothly.

Provide progress reports and regular updates:

Keeping your client informed is essential. Whether through detailed reports or quick update emails, regular communication helps maintain transparency. 

With Client Portal, you can offer real-time updates on task progress, project status, and any changes to the timeline.

Clarify expectations regarding future communication and deliverables:

It’s important to make sure your client knows what to expect next. Whether it’s upcoming deliverables or the next major milestone, keeping expectations clear prevents confusion. 

Built-in messaging and notification systems help you stay on top of all client communications, making it easier to manage future expectations.

What are the Few Popular Client Onboarding Strategies?

When it comes to onboarding clients, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. The strategy you choose depends on your agency’s structure and the type of client relationships you want to build. 

Here are some of the most popular client onboarding strategies that can help you start strong:

What are the Few Popular Client Onboarding Strategies?

One-on-One Onboarding

One-on-one onboarding focuses on personalized attention. You work directly with a single client, tailoring the entire process to meet their specific needs.

This approach is perfect for high-touch services where every detail matters. However, it can be time-consuming because each client gets your undivided attention. 

But the reward is a deeper connection and stronger trust from the start.

Example: A marketing agency assigns an account manager to work closely with the client, crafting a detailed strategy just for them. The manager ensures the client feels heard and that their goals are fully understood.

Note: After every meeting, send a follow-up email summarizing key points. 

Group Onboarding

Group onboarding is ideal for agencies with standardized processes that need to bring multiple clients on board at the same time.

It’s efficient because you can onboard several clients in one session, but it may lack the personal touch. For agencies with a lot of similar clients, it’s a great way to streamline onboarding. 

Just keep in mind that some clients may need extra attention.

Example: A software company hosts a live webinar where clients can see a demo of the platform’s features. This approach saves time while ensuring everyone gets the same level of information.

Note: Always allow for a Q&A session at the end for specific questions.

Self-Service Onboarding

Self-service onboarding lets clients move through the process at their own pace using tutorials, guides, or other resources you provide.

It’s a scalable option, great for agencies with a high volume of clients. However, it requires that clients are tech-savvy and comfortable figuring things out on their own. 

For some, this approach might feel a bit impersonal, so it’s important to offer support options if needed.

Example: A SaaS platform provides a series of step-by-step video tutorials that show clients how to set up their accounts and use the software. Clients can go through the videos whenever they’re ready.

Note: Offer live chat to help clients with immediate concerns while they navigate the system.

Hybrid Onboarding

Hybrid onboarding offers the best of both worlds—clients can start with self-service, but you provide personalized support when needed.

This approach works well for clients who like the freedom to explore on their own but still value a personal connection. It’s flexible and can be adapted based on the complexity of the project or the client’s needs.

Example: A design agency offers online guides and resources for clients to review, but schedules one-on-one check-ins for more in-depth discussions and feedback.

Note: Make the check-ins optional, but encourage them for clients with more complex needs to ensure they’re on the right track.

Virtual Onboarding

Virtual onboarding is done entirely online, making it perfect for remote teams or global clients.

It provides flexibility, allowing you to onboard clients from anywhere in the world. However, virtual onboarding requires clear and structured communication to ensure clients understand each step. 

Regular touchpoints and clear instructions are key to making this approach work.

Example: A consulting firm uses video calls and screen-sharing to guide clients through the initial stages of working together. Clients can see how things are done in real-time, no matter where they’re located.

Note: Record virtual sessions so clients can revisit important details later.

In-Person Onboarding

In-person onboarding builds strong personal connections by meeting face-to-face. It’s a great option for local businesses or agencies that thrive on personal interaction.

While this approach is more time-intensive and limited by location, the rapport you build through in-person meetings can lead to long-lasting relationships.

Example: A local agency invites clients to their office to discuss project details and get to know each other better. This creates a sense of trust and partnership that’s hard to replicate in other onboarding methods.

Note: Send follow-up notes after meetings to maintain clarity and reinforce trust.

What are the Effective Ways to Guide Clients Through the Onboarding Process?

Guiding your clients through onboarding is important for creating a good experience and building a lasting partnership. It’s not just about getting things set up—building trust and a strong relationship matters just as much.

Here’s where to focus:

  • Availability: Be easy to reach for any questions or concerns. Being there for your clients helps build trust and makes them feel supported.
  • Training: Provide clear instructions and resources so clients can quickly get comfortable with your product or service. This helps them feel confident in using it.
  • Empathy: Understand your client’s challenges and show genuine care in addressing them. This strengthens your relationship and builds trust.
  • Proactive Support: Regularly check in with your clients to see how they’re doing. This allows you to catch any issues early and keep them satisfied.

By focusing on these steps, you’ll guide your clients smoothly through onboarding while building a strong, trusting relationship.

What Can Be Automated in the Client Onboarding Process?

Automating parts of the client onboarding process saves time and reduces the risk of mistakes. By automating repetitive tasks, you free up your team to focus on building client relationships and delivering great results.

Here are some areas you can automate to make onboarding smoother and more efficient:

  • Welcome Emails: Set up automated personalized welcome emails to be sent immediately when a client signs on.
  • Client Intake Forms: Automatically send intake forms to gather important client information right from the start.
  • Task Assignments: Automate task assignments and due dates based on the project’s start date to keep things moving.
  • Client Portal Access: Automatically provide access to a client portal where clients can track progress and view important documents.
  • Billing and Invoicing: Automate the invoicing process and send payment reminders to ensure timely billing.
  • Progress Reports: Schedule automated updates and progress reports at regular intervals to keep your clients informed.

By automating these tasks, you’ll make onboarding faster and more organized, while allowing your team to focus on what matters most—your clients.

What Are the Benefits of Automating Agency Client Onboarding?

Automating your client onboarding process can make your agency run more smoothly and efficiently. Here are the key benefits:

  • Saves Time: Automation handles repetitive tasks like sending emails or assigning tasks, giving your team more time to focus on important work.
  • Reduces Human Error: By automating tasks, you reduce the risk of mistakes that can happen with manual processes, ensuring everything is done consistently and accurately.
  • Enhances Client Experience: Automation ensures clients receive timely and professional communications, which improves their experience and helps build trust.
  • Increases Efficiency: Tasks like billing, intake forms, and updates are automated, streamlining your workflow and helping projects move forward without unnecessary delays.
  • Improves Scalability: As your agency grows, automation keeps your onboarding process smooth and manageable, no matter how many clients you take on.

By automating these tasks, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and improve the overall experience for both your team and your clients.

What Common Pitfalls Should Agencies Avoid During The Client Onboarding Process?

While onboarding is crucial for setting the tone of a client relationship, there are several pitfalls agencies should avoid:

What Common Pitfalls Should Agencies Avoid During The Client Onboarding Process?
  • Miscommunication: Failing to align on expectations can lead to confusion. Clear communication from the start ensures everyone is on the same page.
  • Scope creep: Without defined boundaries, clients may ask for more than agreed. Set clear expectations early to prevent this.
  • Delayed Kickoff: Waiting too long to start onboarding can cause clients to lose interest. Act quickly after signing to keep momentum and engagement high.
  • Lack of Clear Communication: Failing to communicate timelines, expectations, or next steps can lead to confusion and frustration. Always ensure both parties are aligned from the start.
  • Overloading the Client: Bombarding the client with too much information or tasks can overwhelm them. Pace the onboarding process to avoid burnout.
  • Unclear Role Definition: Not defining internal team responsibilities can cause confusion. Ensure each team member knows their onboarding role for a smooth process.
  • Skipping Key Steps: Rushing through onboarding without gathering important details like client goals or required assets can lead to misunderstandings later.
  • Inconsistent Processes: Without a standardized onboarding process, clients may experience inconsistency in how they’re handled. A structured process ensures smooth transitions and professionalism.
  • Neglecting Follow-ups: Silence after signing can make clients feel abandoned. Regular check-ins and progress updates are essential to maintaining trust.

Best Practices for Smooth Client Onboarding

To ensure a seamless onboarding experience, here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use a Client Onboarding Checklist: Keep everything organized by following a checklist that covers all key steps, from contract signing to project kickoff.
  • Personalize the Onboarding Process: Tailor the experience to each client’s unique needs and goals, ensuring they feel valued and understood.
  • Make the Process Interesting: Engage clients by making onboarding interactive and informative so they’re excited about the journey ahead.
  • Keep Communication Easy and Clear: Maintain open, transparent communication to avoid confusion and keep everyone aligned on expectations.
  • Be Receptive to Feedback: Encourage clients to provide feedback throughout the onboarding process, helping you improve and adjust as needed.
  • Establish Success Metrics Before Starting: Define what success looks like early on to ensure both your team and the client are on the same page regarding goals and expectations.
  • Use Client Onboarding Software for Better Management: Streamline tasks, communication, and progress tracking by utilizing onboarding software that keeps everything in one place.

Real Life Examples of Client Onboarding

Client onboarding is key to building strong, long-term relationships. Here are real-life examples of how companies customzied their onboarding processes to meet client needs..

Marketing Agency Client Onboarding: Wieden+Kennedy and Nike

Client Background: In the 1980s, Nike was a growing sportswear brand looking to stand out in a crowded market. They needed a fresh strategy and turned to Wieden+Kennedy for help.

Onboarding Goal: Nike wanted more than just product promotions. They aimed to connect with people on a personal level, linking sports to personal achievements and stories.

Onboarding Process: Wieden+Kennedy shifted the focus from products to athletes, showing them as everyday people and heroes. They introduced the now-famous “Just Do It” slogan, highlighting that sports are not just about performance, but about personal growth. Though Nike was unsure at first, they trusted the agency’s bold approach.

Outcome: The result was one of the most iconic campaigns ever, turning Nike into more than a shoe company—it became a lifestyle brand. This strategy pushed Nike to the top of the sportswear industry.

Key Takeaway: Storytelling that connects with people’s emotions can take a brand beyond its products. Trust and flexibility between you and your client can lead to big success.

Ad Agency Client Onboarding: Leo Burnett and McDonald’s

Client Background: McDonald’s was already a fast-food leader, but in the 1980s, they needed to update their marketing to stay relevant. They partnered with Leo Burnett to help them connect with more customers.

Onboarding Goal: The goal was to strengthen McDonald’s image as a brand that stands for family, happiness, and convenience, without losing what made the brand famous.

Onboarding Process: Leo Burnett took time to understand what McDonald’s stood for and what their customers valued. The agency then created campaigns that focused on family experiences and McDonald’s core brand elements like the golden arches. The agency kept communication open, ensuring that McDonald’s was involved at every step.

Outcome: The campaigns helped McDonald’s stay top of mind as a family-friendly brand, keeping customers loyal and reinforcing its place in the market.

Key Takeaway: Understanding your client’s core values, combined with ongoing collaboration, helps create campaigns that connect with both the brand and its customers.

Client Onboarding for Accounting Agencies: UpDown Accounting LLC

Client Background: Fred, a small business owner, was doing his own bookkeeping but felt it was time to bring in professional help. He was unsure about hiring an accounting firm and turned to UpDown Accounting LLC for support.

Onboarding Goal: UpDown Accounting needed to ease Fred’s worries and make the switch from DIY bookkeeping to professional accounting smooth, while also building trust.

Onboarding Process: The firm immediately welcomed Fred with a personalized email and sent him a questionnaire to gather important details. This was followed by a Zoom call with the CEO, who explained the services, answered questions, and collected the necessary documents. Fred was also shown how to use their project management system to track his account.

Outcome: Fred appreciated the personal attention and clear communication, which made him feel confident in his choice. He was so pleased that he referred other business owners to UpDown Accounting.

Key Takeaway: Providing personal attention and clear guidance can turn client doubts into confidence, leading to referrals and business growth.

Digital Agency Client Onboarding: Coca-Cola and Global Agencies

Client Background: Coca-Cola, a global company, launched the “Share a Coke” campaign with the help of multiple agencies around the world. The challenge was to keep the campaign’s message consistent while allowing agencies to adapt it to their local markets.

Onboarding Goal: Coca-Cola wanted to keep their brand message clear while giving agencies the freedom to make the campaign relatable to local audiences. The campaign had to feel personal, without losing the global message.

Onboarding Process: Coca-Cola provided each agency with detailed guidelines, focusing on the personal connection of using people’s names on bottles. The agencies were encouraged to adapt the campaign to fit their local markets while keeping the core message intact. Regular meetings and feedback helped keep everyone on track.

Outcome: The “Share a Coke” campaign became a global success, engaging people in many countries. The campaign struck the perfect balance between maintaining the brand’s identity and connecting with people on a local level.

Key Takeaway: A successful global campaign balances clear brand messaging with local adaptation. This ensures the message stays strong while also connecting with people in different regions.

The Personalized Approach: CBA Accounting Pro

Client Background:
Peter was referred to CBA Accounting Pro by a friend to help with his tax services. Trusting the recommendation, he chose the firm to handle his accounting needs. Peter expected professional service and a smooth experience from the start.

Onboarding Goal: The firm’s objective was to guide Peter through the tax process, offering clarity on expectations and deliverables. By addressing his concerns quickly, they aimed to reassure Peter that his decision was the right one. Building trust and maintaining strong communication were key goals.

Onboarding Process: Peter received a welcome package and questionnaire two weeks after signing up. Although this provided useful information to the firm, there was no consistent follow-up. 

The delay in communication left Peter questioning the firm’s progress and commitment. He felt disconnected from the process, with no updates to reassure him that his project was underway.

Outcome: The lack of communication led Peter to experience buyer’s remorse. After three weeks, he considered asking for a refund, feeling unsure about whether the firm was actually working on his project. 

This resulted in a potential loss of business for CBA Accounting Pro, including the referrals Peter might have provided had he been satisfied.

Key Takeaway: Consistent and timely communication is essential in client onboarding. Keeping clients informed at every step prevents doubt, fosters confidence, and strengthens relationships, ultimately retaining business and boosting referrals.


Onboarding clients is your first opportunity to build a lasting relationship. It lays the foundation for trust and open communication right from the beginning.

By customizing the process, automating important tasks, and keeping goals clear, you create a smooth experience that feels professional for your clients. Each step, when handled correctly, greatly impacts how the partnership grows.

This guide has explained the essential steps to improve your onboarding. Are you ready to make client onboarding a key to growth?


What does a client onboarding manager do?

A client onboarding manager guides new clients through the initial stages of working with your agency. They coordinate tasks, gather client information, and ensure a smooth onboarding process, addressing any concerns or questions that may arise.

Who is responsible for client onboarding?

Typically, a dedicated onboarding manager or account manager handles the process. However, other team members may assist depending on the project’s needs.

How long does the client onboarding process usually take?

The onboarding process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the project and client needs.

Can the onboarding process be customized based on the client’s specific needs?

Yes, the process can and should be customized to address each client’s specific goals, preferences, and requirements, ensuring a more tailored experience.

What is the role of the client in the onboarding process?

Clients will provide necessary information, clarify goals, and communicate expectations. Their feedback is crucial for aligning deliverables and timelines.

How does an agency measure the effectiveness or success of its onboarding process?

Agencies typically measure success through client satisfaction, reduced churn rates, and whether project goals are met on time. Feedback and progress tracking are key indicators.

Picture of Namira Taif

Namira Taif

Namira is a passionate writer and aspiring journalist. With a passion for storytelling and a love for adventure, she brings a unique perspective to her work at Agency Handy. Her writing is influenced by her experiences traveling, exploring the world of esports, and immersing herself in literature.
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