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HoneyBook vs QuickBooks

HoneyBook vs QuickBooks: Which Wins for Freelancers & Solopreneurs in 2024?

HoneyBook vs QuickBooks

Are you weighing up HoneyBook’s all-in-one client management against QuickBooks’ comprehensive accounting features? While they serve different primary functions, both can be important tools for growing businesses. In a quick look:

  • If you’re a service-based business or freelancer looking to simplify client interactions from proposals to payments, HoneyBook’s user-friendly platform with integrated invoicing and scheduling might be your ideal solution.
  • However, if your main focus is on financial management, detailed reporting, and tax preparation, QuickBooks can be a better fit for your business. 

But which software will best support your business operations and financial health? Let’s break down the strengths of HoneyBook and QuickBooks to help you make the right choice for your business. 

Key Takeaways

  • HoneyBook is a people-first company for small to large service-based businesses, offering comprehensive client management, project tools, and branded experiences. 
  • On the other hand, QuickBooks is ideal for businesses needing detailed accounting, financial reporting, and tax management across various industries.
  • Both platforms prioritize security but focus on different areas: HoneyBook on client data and payments and QuickBooks on financial data protection.
  • Pricing for both varies based on features and user needs, with HoneyBook offering three plans and QuickBooks four, each focusing on different business sizes and requirements.

HoneyBook vs QuickBooks: Quick Comparison Table

Here’s a table for a quick comparison of HoneyBook vs QuickBooks.

Target UsersFreelancers, solopreneurs, and service-based businessesSmall businesses and Accountants
Client ManagementComprehensive and personalized experiencesBasic client info and invoices linked to client profiles
AccountingBasic expense management and profit/lossAdvanced tools and detailed financial reports
InvoicingProfessional, branded, and online paymentsCustom, recurring, and progress invoicing
ContractsIntegrated with invoices and e-signingNot available
SchedulingAvailable (Calendly or HoneyBook’s Scheduler)Scheduling for employee and job tasks
Project ManagementTasks, visual workflows, and automationBasic task management
ReportingStandard reports and client activityDetailed financial, budget, and profitability
CustomizationProposals, invoices, portals, and brandingLimited customization options for forms, templates, logos, and basic color schemes.
Mobile AppFor both Android and iOS devices.Available on multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS
IntegrationsPopular tools (e.g., QuickBooks, Zoom)Shopify, Method: CRM, Synder, SOS Inventory, Erplain, and more.
SecuritySecure online payments and fraud monitoringData encryption and audit trails
BrandingExtensive and personalized client experiencesMinimal branding capabilities
AI-Powered ToolsLead prioritization, personalized responses, and image generatorNot available

Note: The pricing taken for QuickBooks is the pricing option given for Accountants. QuickBooks has a different set of pricing for Small Businesses, starting with Simple Start at $11.20/month.

HoneyBook vs QuickBooks: A Detailed Comparison

Let’s break down the detailed differences between HoneyBook and QuickBooks to understand which platform is best suitable for your business. Keep reading to know which software will help your business grow.

Target Users

HoneyBook is perfect for solo entrepreneurs and small service businesses. QuickBooks, however, is ideal for small businesses needing excellent financial management, offering detailed reports and tax preparation tools. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Best Suited ForFreelancers, independent business owners, and small service-based businessesSmall businesses focused on accounting and financial management
Core StrengthAll-in-one client workflow managementAdvanced accounting tools and financial management
Key FeaturesClient management InvoicingContractsSchedulingBrandingAI tools for responses and leadsFinancial reportingTax managementInventory trackingInvoicingExpense tracking
Value PropositionComplete solution for client interactions, from lead capture to paymentIn-depth financial tracking, reporting, and tax support
FocusSimplifying client operations and boosting brand presenceAccurate bookkeeping and tax compliance

HoneyBook is designed for freelancers and small service businesses. It’s an all-in-one platform that streamlines client management from start to finish.

With HoneyBook, you can manage clients, send invoices, create contracts, and schedule meetings. You can customize it to align with your brand, creating a professional image. 

These features are particularly beneficial for individuals or small teams looking to boost efficiency and present a polished front to clients.

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HoneyBook also offers AI tools to simplify client management. You can send personalized messages, create images, and get notified about promising leads, all of which can enhance your productivity and brand presence.

On the other hand, QuickBooks is focused on small businesses with exceptional financial management. While it handles invoicing and expense tracking, its true strength lies in accounting. 

QuickBooks provides tools for detailed financial reports, tax preparation, and inventory tracking, making it ideal for businesses requiring comprehensive financial oversight and accurate tax records.

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Overall, if you’re looking to manage everything from client onboarding to payments, HoneyBook is your go-to solution. However, if you’re primarily struggling with managing finances and taxes, QuickBooks would be the more appropriate choice.

Platform Availability

HoneyBook works on both web and mobile apps. QuickBooks runs on many platforms already. Both might benefit from Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). These offer perks like offline use and faster loading, giving an app-like feel in browsers. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Current PlatformsWeb-based and mobile apps (iOS, Android)Web-based, Desktop (Windows, macOS), and mobile (Android, iOS)
Potential ImprovementBuild a desktop app to increase productivity and check progress on-the-go Develop a progressive web app (PWA) for a unified, platform-agnostic experience
User BenefitHoneyBook offers web-based client managementDesktop app to avoid continuous web hassles

HoneyBook currently offers web and mobile access but could benefit from developing desktop applications for Windows and Mac. This would cater to businesses that primarily use desktop environments, potentially enhancing efficiency for these users.

On the other hand, QuickBooks already works on many platforms. You can use it on Windows and Mac computers, as well as Android and iOS phones. However,  They could consider developing a Progressive Web App (PWA).

PWAs offer benefits like offline functionality, faster loading times, and automatic updates, providing a more app-like experience within a browser across various devices.

Ease of Use

HoneyBook shines with its user-friendly design. QuickBooks, while powerful for accounting, can be overwhelming. HoneyBook’s simplicity saves time and enhances client satisfaction. It works smoothly across devices, benefiting both you and your clients.

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Ease of UseIntuitive and user-friendly interfaceCluttered and complex interface
User ExperienceModern, visually appealing, and easy navigationOverwhelming for client management and  accounting-centric
Design and NavigationClean design; simple navigationComplex design and hard-to-navigate non-accounting tasks
Customization OptionsExtensive customization and tailored brandingLimited customization for accounting needs
Efficiency and ProductivityStreamlines client workflows; saves timeComprehensive accounting features can be time-consuming for client management.

HoneyBook offers a clean, modern design that’s a pleasure to navigate, While QuickBooks can overwhelm users with its extensive accounting features.

No more getting lost in menus or wasting hours figuring things out. HoneyBook is tailored for busy service-based businesses like yours, where client satisfaction is key.

HoneyBook offers customization that aligns with your business. You can make proposals, invoices, and client pages that match your brand. On the other hand, QuickBooks excels in detailed financial management and does not offer many client management tools. 

Workflow Management

HoneyBook streamlines client workflows from first contact to final payment. It offers custom forms, proposals, billing, and contracts in one place. QuickBooks excels in accounting, with features for expense tracking, banking, taxes, and financial reporting.

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Workflow FocusStreamlines client journey from inquiry to paymentFocuses on accounting and financial workflows
Client JourneyManages entire client journey; onboarding to paymentOffers invoicing and billing only
Client OnboardingCustomizable forms and proposals; integrates paymentsFocuses on expense tracking and financial reporting
Project ManagementTask distribution, progress tracking, and automationAccounting tools that are not used for project management
Automation CapabilitiesAutomated emails, tasks, and file sharingLimited to accounting processes
Communication ToolsClient portals for communication and file sharingFocused on financial transactions
Business SuitabilityIdeal for service-based businesses; end-to-end managementBest for accounting-focused businesses

HoneyBook and QuickBooks handle business tasks differently. HoneyBook helps service businesses work with clients, while QuickBooks focuses on finances. 

HoneyBook is great for managing everything from start to finish about client work. You can easily handle each step of working with clients.

When you start with a new client, HoneyBook lets you make custom forms and proposals. This makes your business look professional. You can also send bills, sign contracts, and get paid online, all in one place.

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Managing projects is easy with HoneyBook. You can assign tasks, track progress, and get client approvals. HoneyBook can also do some tasks automatically, like sending emails or sharing files. 

QuickBooks is different. It’s mainly used for accounting and financial tasks. It can send bills, but it doesn’t have all the tools for managing all parts of client work.

Plus, QuickBooks is good at services like tracking expenses, connecting to your bank, managing taxes, and making financial reports. It helps you keep your accounting organized.

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So, in short, HoneyBook is better for service businesses that want to manage all parts of client work. QuickBooks is better for businesses that mostly need help with accounting and money management.

Client Management

HoneyBook excels in comprehensive client management, ranging tools from initial contact to final payment. It provides detailed client records, dedicated portals, and efficient communication systems. QuickBooks, primarily financial-focused, offers basic client info storage and invoicing. It excels in financial tracking and reporting but lacks HoneyBook’s robust client management features.

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Client Management FocusComprehensive tools for client interactionsFocuses on financial aspects of client management
Client Relationship ToolsDetailed profiles with histories and logsBasic info storage and invoicing
Client PortalsSpace for communication and progress trackingFocuses on financial transactions
Issue ResolutionTicketing system with customizable prioritiesInvoicing and billing tools only
Financial Management FocusProfessional invoices, tracking, and reportingFinancial tools; lacks client interaction features
Business SuitabilityBest for client relationship managementBest for financial management and accounting

HoneyBook and QuickBooks handle client management differently. Their approaches match what each tool is made for.

With HoneyBook, you can keep detailed records about each client. This includes what they’ve ordered, your conversations, and any files you’ve shared. Everything is in one place, making it easy to see how your relationship with each client is going.

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If clients have questions, HoneyBook has a system to handle them. You can set which questions are most important, talk to clients, and attach files. This helps keep clients happy.

QuickBooks mainly helps with financial issues related to clients. It can store some basic client information and send invoices, but it doesn’t have tools for managing all parts of working with clients.

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QuickBooks is good at sending professional-looking invoices, watching when invoices are paid, and handling regular billing. It can also make reports that show which clients are most profitable and where your money is coming from.

However, QuickBooks doesn’t have the full set of client management tools that HoneyBook does. It doesn’t have detailed client profiles, special client areas, or a system for handling client questions.

Project Management

HoneyBook shines in project management with its dedicated “Projects” feature. It offers task creation, assignment, due dates, and progress tracking. QuickBooks, primarily an accounting tool, lacks comprehensive project management capabilities. It offers basic task tracking and financial insights.

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Project Management FocusComprehensive tools for service-based businessesFocuses on accounting and financial management
Core Project FeaturesTask creation, organization, and tracking via Kanban or calendarsBasic task management tools only
Workflow AutomationAutomates task assignments, reminders, and file sharingLimited automation with only a financial focus
Financial ManagementLimited project profitability tracking; geared toward client managementStrong financial management; lacks project-specific tracking
Client CollaborationFeatures for collaboration, approval workflows, and project managementFocuses on financial transactions only

HoneyBook is better than QuickBooks for managing projects, especially for service businesses.

HoneyBook has a special “Projects” feature. This lets you handle client projects from start to end. You can make projects, split them into tasks, give tasks to team members, set due dates, and see how things are going.

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You can see tasks on boards in HoneyBook. This helps you know what’s happening and decide what to do next. HoneyBook can also do some things automatically like assign tasks or send reminders. This makes your work smoother.

On the contrary, QuickBooks is mostly for accounting and doesn’t have special tools for managing projects. It can do some basic task tracking, like recurring transactions and bill tracking. 

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But it can’t manage full client projects.QuickBooks is good at showing if projects are making money and managing budgets. 

Billing & Invoicing

HoneyBook simplifies billing for services that need professional invoices, payment reminders, and secure online transactions. QuickBooks excels in detailed invoicing for diverse businesses, offering custom invoices, recurring billing, and progress invoicing. It supports international billing and integrates with expense management apps. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Billing and Invoicing FocusStreamlines payment processes; integrates invoices, contracts, and paymentsComprehensive invoicing and billing; international invoicing features
Invoicing FeaturesCreate invoices, send reminders, accept online payments and recurring paymentsCustom invoices, recurring invoices, billable expenses; real-time payment tracking
Integration and AutomationIntegrates invoices, contracts, and payments and simplifies client bookingIntegrates with third-party apps and supports multi-currency transactions

HoneyBook and QuickBooks both help with billing and invoicing, but they do it in various ways.

HoneyBook makes billing easy for service businesses and freelancers. You can make professional invoices and accept online payments safely. Also, you can automate regular payments for ongoing work.

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One great thing about HoneyBook is how it puts invoices, contracts, and payments together. You can send clients one package with all these things. This makes booking easier and looks more professional.

QuickBooks is a master at detailed invoicing for all kinds of small businesses. You can make custom invoices, set up regular billing, add expenses to bills, and even handle big jobs with progress billing. 

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You’ll get to see when invoices are paid and can match payments to invoices automatically. It can also remind clients to pay.

Overall, QuickBooks is good at some advanced invoice features. For example, you can bill in different currencies if you work with international clients. QuickBooks can also be integrated with other apps, one of them being HoneyBook itself.

Reporting & Analytics

QuickBooks dominates reporting, offering comprehensive financial insights like profit/loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports. It tracks project profitability and budget management. HoneyBook provides basic reports on client management and project tracking, but it has limited financial reporting in higher-tier plans. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Reporting and Analytics FocusBasic reports on invoices, payments, and client activityAdvanced financial reporting tools
Financial Reporting ToolsBasic reports; include expense management and profit & loss reportingDetailed profit & loss, balance sheets, cash flow, and custom reports
Project Profitability TrackingBasic project tracking; focuses on client workflowsAdvanced project profitability and budget tracking
Data-Driven Decision MakingInsights into client management and basic financial metricsComprehensive financial insights for decision-making

QuickBooks offers many financial reports that small businesses need. You can make detailed profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow reports, and custom reports. 

These help you understand how your business is doing financially. You can use this information to make better decisions.

QuickBooks also lets you track how profitable each project is and manage your budget. You can see if you’re spending money as planned and make sure you’re using your resources well.

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HoneyBook’s reports are more basic. They focus on client management and project tracking. You can get reports about invoices, payments, and client activity. But these aren’t as detailed as QuickBooks’ financial reports.

HoneyBook’s higher-level plans do include some expense management and profit and loss reports. But these aren’t as thorough as what QuickBooks offers.

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Remember, HoneyBook is good at managing clients and automating workflows. It’s not designed for deep financial reporting.

If you need detailed financial reports, budgeting, and project profitability analysis, QuickBooks is the better choice. Its reports give you important insights into your business’s financial performance.

But if you mainly want to manage clients, track projects, and make client work smoother, HoneyBook’s reports might be enough for you.

Customization & Branding

HoneyBook excels in branding, offering extensive customization for service businesses. You can personalize colors, logos, and styles across proposals, invoices, and client pages. QuickBooks, focused on accounting, offers limited customization, mainly for invoices. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Customization & BrandingExtensive tools for branded client experiencesLimited customization, focused on invoices
Branding FeaturesCustomize proposals, invoices, portals, and scheduling with brand colors and logosBasic invoice customization only
Client ExperienceConsistent and cohesive brand experienceFocuses on financial and accounting management
Branding Removal OptionRemove “Powered by HoneyBook” on higher-tier plansNo option to remove third-party branding

When it comes to customization and branding capabilities, HoneyBook outshines QuickBooks, offering more tools tailored for service-based businesses and independent professionals.

HoneyBook aligns everything with your brand. You can change the colors, add your logo, and use your style on proposals, invoices, and client pages. This helps your business look professional and consistent.

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You can also make branded scheduling pages with HoneyBook. Clients can book appointments on these pages that look like your brand. This makes your business look more professional.

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QuickBooks doesn’t offer as much customization. Its main focus remains on accounting and meeting the needs of bookkeepers and accountants. 

One great thing about HoneyBook is that you can remove their name from what clients see if you have a higher-tier plan. This means clients only see your brand, not HoneyBook’s.


QuickBooks leads in integrations, connecting with diverse business tools for inventory, e-commerce, expense tracking, and more. HoneyBook offers fewer integrations, focusing on productivity apps. For scalability, QuickBooks provides multiple tiers with increasing features as businesses grow. HoneyBook has three plans, adding team members and reports at higher levels. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
IntegrationsIntegrates with tools like QuickBooks, Zoom, Google Contacts, Zapier, Calendly, Gmail, and moreExtensive third-party app ecosystem covering inventory, eCommerce, CRM, and more
Integration FocusFocuses on productivity and client management toolsCovers a wide range of business functions, including data import/export and reporting

QuickBooks works with many other business tools. 

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These include apps for managing inventory, online stores, importing and exporting data, tracking expenses, managing customer relationships, tracking time, and making reports. With that, you can connect QuickBooks to other tools you use, making your work easier and more efficient.

HoneyBook also connects with some popular tools like QuickBooks, Zoom, Google Calendar, and others. These connections help you sync information and work smoothly across different platforms.

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Both tools offer ways to connect with other apps and grow your business, but they focus on different things. QuickBooks connects to a wider range of business tools, while HoneyBook focuses more on tools for managing clients and being productive.

Security & Compliance

HoneyBook prioritizes secure online payments and client data protection, with fraud monitoring and dispute resolution. QuickBooks focuses on financial data security, using DigiCert encryption, password protection, and access controls. It offers activity logs and cloud storage. 

Focus AreaHoneyBookQuickBooks
Focus of Security MeasuresProtects online payments and client informationSafeguards financial and accounting data
Payment SecuritySecure processing for cards and bank transfers; fraud monitoring and dispute supportEncrypted data transmission and storage
Data ProtectionIndustry-standard protocols; compliance with relevant standardsPassword protection, user access limits; automatic backups
ComplianceAdheres to security standards for client management and paymentsStrict industry standards and compliance
Monitoring and AuditingFraud monitoring; activity log and audit trailActivity log and audit trail; ensures data integrity
Storage and BackupSecure client data storage; data backup measuresCloud storage; automatic backups
Peace of MindProvides peace of mind for handling client paymentsProvides peace of mind for data protection and compliance

When it comes to security and compliance, both HoneyBook and QuickBooks prioritize the protection of user data and transactions, although with different areas of focus.

HoneyBook is all about keeping online payments and client information safe. When you use credit cards or bank transfers, HoneyBook makes sure these transactions are secure. 

They also have a team that looks out for fraud and helps if there are any payment disputes. This gives you peace of mind when handling client payments.

HoneyBook follows standard security rules for managing client information and processing payments.

QuickBooks focuses on protecting your financial and accounting data. They use DigiCert to encrypt your data when it’s being sent or stored. QuickBooks also uses password protection, controls who can access what, and automatically backs up your data.

Plus, QuickBooks keeps a record of all activities. You can see who made changes to your data and when. This helps spot any security problems. Your data is stored safely in the cloud, and QuickBooks follows strict security rules for the accounting industry.

Both tools prioritize security but in different ways. HoneyBook focuses on protecting payments and client information. QuickBooks focuses on keeping financial and accounting data safe. 

Pricing Plans

Both HoneyBook and QuickBooks offer multiple pricing plans to cater to businesses of different sizes and requirements. Let’s take a look at the various plans and what they include:

HoneyBook Pricing Plans:

1. Starter Plan:

   – $16/month after two months free (billed annually at $160)

   – $19/month (billed monthly) 

   – Includes Unlimited clients and projects, invoices and payments, proposals and contracts, calendar, professional templates, client portal, and basic reports, along with free setup, interactive docs, and support. 

2. Essentials Plan:

   – $32/month after two months free (billed annually at $320)

   – $39/month (billed monthly) 

   – Includes all Starter features, plus: Scheduler, automation, QuickBooks Online integration, up to 2 team members, expense management, profit and loss reporting, and removal of “Powered by HoneyBook” branding.

3. Premium Plan:

   – $66/month after two months free (billed annually at $660)

   – $79/month (billed monthly) 

   – Includes all Essentials features, plus: Unlimited team members, priority support, multiple companies, onboarding specialists, and advanced reports (coming soon).

QuickBooks Pricing Plans:

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For QuickBooks pricing, we’ve shared the Accountant plans and pricing here. You can also look here for small business pricings

1. Simple Start:

  – $18/month (billed monthly)

  – $97/year (billed annually)

  – Includes tracking income & expenses, sending custom invoices & quotes, connecting your bank accounts, tracking GST and VAT, accessing insights & reports, using any device, free support, secure cloud storage, accountant access, reports and dashboards, unlimited invoices

and progressing invoicing

-For 1 user, plus your accountant.

2. Essentials:

  – $27/month (billed monthly)

  – $145year (billed annually)

  – Includes all simple start features, plus: manage bills & payments, track employee time, multi-currency support

– For 3 users, plus your accountant.

3. Plus:

  – $38/month (billed monthly)

  – $205/year (billed annually)

  – Includes All Essentials features, plus: recurring transactions and bills, track inventory, track project profitability, manage budgets

-For 5 users, plus your accountant

4. Advanced:

  – $76/month (billed monthly)

  – $820/year (billed annually)

  – Includes all Plus features, plus: automate workflows, custom reporting fields, customize dashboards, customize role permissions, backup online & restore data, manage revenue recognition


Bulk Offering: 

30% off the monthly price for the first 24 months when purchasing 2 or more QuickBooks Online subscriptions. New and trial QuickBooks customers outside the US, UK, Canada, and Australia are eligible for this offer. 

A minimum purchase of two subscriptions is required. To benefit, you need to call one of the listed phone numbers, sign up with the designated sales account manager, or chat with an expert at

All QuickBooks pricing is subject to Intuit’s terms of service, and free trials are available for all plans.

Honeybook vs QuickBooks: Which Book to Choose for Your Business?

Now that all the detail is provided, you have to choose which software is suitable for you and for your business to reach new heights:

Honeybook is your pick if:

  • You’re a solopreneur, freelancer, or a small service-based business. Honeybook is designed for businesses like yours.
  • You keep an all-in-one platform to manage your client workflows – proposals, contracts, invoices, all in one place.
  • You want to impress your clients with a professional, branded experience. Honeybook lets you customize everything with your logo and colors.
  • Keeping projects organized is key. Honeybook offers solid client and project management tools.
  • User-friendly interfaces are your jam. Honeybook is modern and easy to navigate.
  • Automating tasks with AI sounds like a dream. Honeybook offers AI-powered tools to streamline your workload.
  • Customization is king – you want complete control over how your client-facing materials look. Honeybook lets you do just that.

QuickBooks is the way to go if:

  • You need a powerful accounting and financial management system.
  • Keeping track of your money is your top priority. QuickBooks excels at financial tracking, reporting, and tax management.
  • Advanced accounting features like handling multiple currencies are important to you.
  • You have employees and need to track their time, expenses, and bills.
  • Your business is growing, and you need a scalable solution with different pricing plans.
  • Connecting QuickBooks to other business apps you use is a must-have.
  • Data security and maintaining accounting standards are top concerns for you. QuickBooks prioritizes both.

In short, Honeybook focuses on keeping your clients happy, while QuickBooks helps you master your finances. Consider what matters most to your business – client experience or financial control – and choose the software that aligns best with your goals.

Is There Any Alternative to HoneyBooks and QuickBooks?

While HoneyBook and QuickBooks offer powerful solutions for client management and accounting, respectively, they don’t fully address the unique needs of digital agencies looking for an all-in-one management solution. 

This is where Agency Handy stands out as a compelling alternative:

FeaturesAgency HandyHoneyBooksQuickBooks
Client ManagementComprehensive client onboarding and management with customizable formsClient management with forms and questionnairesNo Client management features
InvoicingProfessional customizable invoicing with split payments Invoicing with online paymentsCustom invoices, payment reminders, recurring invoices
ProposalsCustomizable proposals with flexible templatesAll-in-one proposal with invoice, contract, and paymentNo dedicated proposal feature
Project ManagementVisual task management with drag-and-drop interfaceManage projects and track inquiriesProject tracking and profitability tracking
White LabelFully white-labeled platformNo white-label optionsNo white-label options
Pricing PlansStarts with Solopreneur at $49/mo (billed annually) Starts with Starter at $11.20/mo (billed annually) Starts with Simple Start at $12/mo
Workspace CustomizationCustomizable workspaces for different teams and projects, branding, and layoutsNo specific workspace customizationCustomizable dashboards
Team CollaborationReal-time team collaboration with shared projects and tasks, activity feeds, and commentsBasic collaboration features (shared projects)Team collaboration mainly through shared financial data
Support & Training24/7 priority customer support for all plansPriority support for premium users, onboarding specialistStandard support, priority support for Advanced plan

Agency Handy is designed specifically for digital agency management, offering a comprehensive tool suite covering the entire agency workflow. Here’s why Agency Handy stands out as a strong contender:

  • Agency Handy offers a centralized dashboard with key performance metrics, such as  Revenue collected for the last 30 days, the current number of clients and orders, and ongoing and recent tickets. 
  • Create and embed a detailed service catalog on your website with Agency Handy. Contrarily, HoneyBook and QuickBooks lack this feature.
  • Visualize project progress using Agency Handy’s Kanban boards. On the other hand, HoneyBook provides a timeline view but it lacks the intuitive drag-and-drop task management of Kanban.
  • Agency Handy allows customization of logos, colors, and design elements throughout the platform, as well as supporting custom domains and email customization. It also provides multi-language support covering eight languages. QuickBooks offers limited branding options (only allowing logo customization) and lacks mult-ilanguage support and custom domain. 
  • Agency Handy includes built-in invoicing with flexible payment options such as split payment and subscription management. While QuickBooks excels in invoicing, it doesn’t offer the same level of integration with project management features.
  • Agency Handy’s drag-and-drop form builder offers diverse field types and extensive customization, including appearance and required fields, with pre- and post-purchase display options. HoneyBook, while providing common form templates, has fewer customization options and a more limited range of field types and formatting compared to Agency Handy.
  • Agency Handy centralizes all these features in one platform, whereas using QuickBooks or HoneyBook often requires integrating with additional software for complete agency management.

For digital agencies seeking one solution to streamline their operations, Agency Handy presents itself as a tailored and efficient choice that can potentially replace the need for multiple specialized tools.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, the best choice depends on what you need most. HoneyBook excels in client management for service-based businesses, while QuickBooks offers superior accounting and financial reporting.

And if you need the best of both worlds, Agency Handy combines client stuff and financial tools in one place, designed specifically for agencies.

Think about what matters most to your business – keeping clients happy or staying on top of your money. There’s a software option out there that fits your needs, no matter which you pick.


Can I transfer my data from another system to QuickBooks or HoneyBook?

Both platforms offer data transfer. QuickBooks offers a user-friendly import tool that supports various data sources, including spreadsheets and other financial software. Whereas, HoneyBook provides a dedicated migration service, where their team assists in transferring your client and project information from your current system.

Is there a free trial available for QuickBooks and HoneyBook?

Yes, both services provide trial options. QuickBooks allows a 30-day trial version, giving you full access to explore the features of your selected plan. HoneyBook offers a shorter 7-day trial, but it includes unrestricted access to all features, enabling you to thoroughly test its client management tools.

Can QuickBooks and HoneyBook integrate with other business tools I use?

QuickBooks integrates with hundreds of third-party apps across various categories, including inventory management, eCommerce, and CRM systems. This allows for seamless data flow between QuickBooks and other essential business tools. HoneyBook offers integrations with popular tools like Google Calendar, Zapier, and QuickBooks Online, enabling you to connect your client management system with other aspects of your business operations.

How do QuickBooks and HoneyBook handle multiple currencies for international businesses?

QuickBooks Online supports multi-currency transactions, allowing you to work with customers and vendors worldwide. You can set up multiple currencies, track exchange rate fluctuations, and generate reports in your home currency. HoneyBook primarily operates in USD but offers features for international invoicing, allowing you to customize currency symbols and send invoices to clients globally, though it may not provide automatic currency conversion.

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