Agency Handy

What is A Client Portal

What is A Client Portal? Everything You Need to Know

What is A Client Portal

Staying organized is the key to running any business. On top of that, you have to manage clients, too. Hence, a client portal is the only way to do that. 

But what is a client portal?

A client portal is a secure online platform where businesses can manage client interactions, share documents, and keep communication transparent and organized. It’s the tool that enhances efficiency and client satisfaction in one go.

Whether you run a small business, or an agency, or offer SaaS products, a client portal helps you organize what your clients can access and share updates in real-time.

However, there’s more to this. Keep reading to find out the key features of a client portal, why it’s essential for your business, and how to choose the best one to meet your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • A client portal is a secure online platform designed to centralize client interactions, document sharing, and communication.
  • It streamlines business operations by offering features like task and order management and real-time communication in one place.
  • Agency Handy is the best client portal for digital agencies, offering customizable features that enhance client onboarding and overall client satisfaction.

What is A Client Portal?

A client portal software is a secure, online platform that serves as a dedicated space to interact with your clients, share important documents, manage tasks, and communicate effectively. 

What is A Client Portal

Instead of dealing with scattered emails, lost files, or miscommunications, a client portal organizes all interactions and information into a single, easy-to-navigate hub. 

You can upload documents, track project progress, and even manage billing—all while your clients can log in at any time to stay updated.

Types of Client Portals

Client portals come in various types, each designed to serve different needs and industries. Here’s a breakdown of some common types of client portals:

Types of Client Portals

Project Management Portals 

These portals are ideal for businesses that need to manage projects with clients in a collaborative environment. They allow you to share project timelines, task lists, and progress updates. Your clients can track the status of their projects, provide feedback, and upload necessary documents. 

Further Read: Best Project Management Software with Client Portals

Document Management Portals 

Document management portals provide a secure way to share and store files for businesses that handle sensitive or large volumes of documents, such as legal firms, financial services, and healthcare providers. These portals typically offer features like version control, e-signatures, and secure file sharing. 

Billing and Payment Portals 

With a billing and payment portal, you can automate invoicing, send payment reminders, and track financial transactions. This type of portal is commonly used by freelancers, subscription-based businesses, and service providers who need an efficient way to manage payments.

Further Read: Best Agency Billing Client Portals

Customer Support Portals 

Designed to enhance customer service, these portals offer a platform for clients to submit support tickets, track the status of their inquiries, and access a knowledge base or FAQs. Customer support portals are widely used by SaaS companies, IT service providers, and any business that offers ongoing support to its clients. 

Client Collaboration Portals 

Client collaboration portals are particularly beneficial in any industry where collaboration on creative or technical work is essential. They often include features like chat, file sharing, and collaborative workspaces.

Why Do You Need A Client Portal?

According to Microsoft, 90% of customers expect an online self-service option. A client portal gives them exactly that—an easy way to access information, manage their accounts, and resolve issues whenever they choose, without waiting for assistance.

Here are some other key advantages:

Why Do You Need A Client Portal

Improved Communication and Transparency

A client portal centralizes all communications, ensuring that both you and your clients have a clear and consistent view of every interaction. You no longer have to worry about missing emails or files.

Enhanced Efficiency

Client portals make your work easier by automating tasks like document sharing, invoicing, and project updates. 

According to a Deloitte report, using a client portal can reduce the time you spend searching for and retrieving documents by 35%.

This means you have more time to focus on what truly matters—serving your clients and growing your business.

Secured Document Transfer

According to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million. So, security is a big deal, especially when it comes to handling important documents.

A client portal with strong security features like encryption and access controls can help keep your data safe, giving you peace of mind.

Better Organization

With a client portal, everything related to a client is organized in one place—messages, documents, project timelines, and billing information. This organization helps you stay on top of your work and reduces the risk of errors. 

Increased Client Satisfaction

Your clients value their time, and they want quick, easy access to the information they need. A study by Forrester found that 77% of people say the best thing a company can do for them online is to respect their time. 

With a client portal, your clients can access information, communicate with you, and manage their accounts whenever it’s convenient for them—day or night.


Client portals are built on scalable platforms, which means they can grow right along with you. This means your client portal can adapt to your changing needs, making it a smart investment.

Key Features to Look for in a Client Portal

A well-designed client portal provides a range of features that enhance communication, organization, and overall client satisfaction. Here’s a detailed look at the key features you should consider when choosing a client portal:

Key Features to Look for in a Client Portal

Service Catalog

A service catalog is where you list all the services you offer. It helps your clients see what you can do for them, making it simple for them to choose what they need. With a clear and organized service catalog, your clients won’t need to ask for more details—they’ll find everything in one place.

Customizable Intake & Order Forms

Customized forms let you gather the specific information you need from your clients. Whether it’s for onboarding, placing orders, or collecting feedback, these forms make the process quicker and more straightforward. 

Customizable Client Dashboards

Client dashboards should be customizable, allowing clients to view relevant information at a glance. This includes project status, recent communications, upcoming deadlines, and any outstanding invoices. 

Here’s how you can customize a client portal

  • Logo: Display your company’s logo on the client portal login/sign-up pages, as well as all internal pages and forms.
  • Name: Customize the name displayed in the header and on the client portal login/sign-up pages to reflect your business’s identity.
  • Colors: Use your brand’s colors in the header, on buttons, and across every page to create a cohesive and recognizable look.
  • Domain Name: Use your domain name for the portal to enhance brand integrity and ensure that the portal feels like a seamless part of your business’s online presence.

Further Read: Best White-label Client Portal

Task Management

A robust task management feature allows you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress within the portal. Clients can monitor the status of their projects, see which tasks are pending, and even provide feedback directly within the system.

Here’s how task and project management features benefit you

  • Task Assignment: Assign tasks to specific team members or clients, track progress, and set deadlines to ensure projects are completed on time. 
  • Progress Tracking: Use project management features to monitor the status of ongoing projects, identify potential bottlenecks, and ensure that milestones are met.
  • Collaboration: Allow multiple users to collaborate on projects, share files, and communicate within the portal.

Team Management

A client portal with team management features lets you assign tasks and see who’s working on what. This way, you can make sure everyone knows their responsibilities, and nothing gets missed. It keeps your team organized and helps you deliver success to client business.

Integrated Communication Tools

Integrated communication tools within the portal, such as messaging, video conferencing, and comment threads on tasks, ensure that all communication is centralized and easily accessible.

Here’s what effective communication tools can include

  • Messaging Systems: Built-in messaging systems allow for real-time conversations with clients.
  • Announcements: Post important updates or announcements directly within the portal to inform your clients about new developments, service changes, or important deadlines.
  • Notifications: Automated notifications can alert clients and team members about new messages, file uploads, or task updates, ensuring everyone stays informed and aligned with the project’s progress.

Billing and Payment Integration

Keeping your billing process simple and clear is key to good client relationships. Your client portal should include tools for creating invoices, automating billing, and processing payments.

Ticket Management

Managing client inquiries efficiently is crucial. With a ticket management feature, you can track and handle support requests in one place. This helps you respond faster and keep your clients satisfied.

Secure Document Sharing

Security is important when sharing documents. Your client portal should offer features like encryption and access controls to ensure only authorized users can view files. Every action should be logged to maintain a clear record and meet compliance standards.

Client Portal Examples and Use Cases

When choosing a client portal, it’s helpful to see how they’re used in different industries and for various purposes. 

Below, we’ll explore some common industry-based and feature-based use cases to show you the versatility and benefits of using a client portal.

Industry-Based Use Cases

Here are industry-based use cases of the client portal:

Creative Agencies

Creative agencies use client portals to share design drafts, get feedback, and manage approvals. This makes it easy for clients to see and comment on the latest work, speeding up the process and keeping everyone on track.

Further read: Top 5 Creative Agency Project Management Software

SEO Agencies

SEO agencies use client portals to share keyword research, site audits, and performance updates. Clients can log in to see how their website is doing, track rankings, and get updates on SEO efforts, making it easy to follow the progress.

Further read: Best Client Portal for SEO Agencies to Thrive

Digital Advertising Agencies

Digital advertising agencies create and manage online ad campaigns, such as PPC ads and social media ads. They use client portals to track ad performance, manage budgets, and provide clients with access to analytics.

Further read: Best Advertising Agency Project Management Software

Accounting Firms

Accounting firms use client portals to safely share important documents like tax returns and financial statements with their clients. This makes it easy for clients to access their financial information whenever they need it while keeping everything secure.

Legal Firms

Legal firms use client portals to manage private communications and share documents with clients. Through the portal, clients can view case files, sign documents online, and track the progress of their cases, all in a secure environment.

Marketing Agencies

Marketing agencies use client portals to work closely with clients on campaigns. Clients can review creative work, approve projects, and give feedback directly in the portal, making communication smoother and keeping everything in one place.

IT and Tech Companies

IT and tech companies use client portals to provide support, share updates, and give clients access to software tools or reports. This helps clients stay informed about their projects and keeps everything transparent.

Education and E-Learning

Educational institutions and online learning platforms use client portals to share course materials, manage student registrations, and communicate between teachers and students. Students can access their lessons, submit assignments, and check their progress through the portal.

Feature-Based Use Cases

Here are feature-based use cases of client portals.

Secure Document Sharing

Many businesses use client portals to securely share documents. For example, legal firms can share contracts safely, and accounting firms can send financial reports securely. This feature protects important documents and reduces the risk of data leaks.

Task and Project Management

Client portals with task and project management features help businesses like creative agencies, and consulting firms stay organized. These portals let teams assign tasks, track progress, and work with clients all in one place, making sure everyone knows what’s happening.

Quotation and Proposal Management

Service-based businesses often use client portals to handle quotes and proposals. With this feature, they can create and send quotes directly through the portal, and clients can approve them online, making the process quicker and keeping everything organized.

Billing and Payment Management

Freelancers and businesses that offer subscriptions use client portals to manage billing and payments. These portals make it easy to send invoices, set up recurring payments, and track payments, helping businesses get paid on time while giving clients an easy way to handle their accounts.

Client Communication Tools

Keeping in touch with your clients is essential. With built-in communication tools in your client portal, you can easily stay connected. 

IT companies can use these tools to provide support, while marketing agencies can keep clients updated on their projects. Everything is organized in one place, so you never miss an important message.

Key Implementation Challenges of A Client Portal Software

Implementing a client portal can significantly enhance your business operations, but it’s not without its challenges. Understanding these challenges and overcoming them can ensure a smooth and successful implementation.

User Adoption

One of the most common challenges is getting both your team and clients to fully adopt the client portal. Resistance to change, unfamiliarity with the system, or perceived complexity can hinder adoption.

Data Migration

Moving existing client data, documents, and communications into a new portal can be daunting. There’s a risk of data loss, corruption, or mismatches during the migration process.

Customization Complexity

Customizing the client portal software to fit your brand and specific business needs can be complex. This includes integrating the portal with existing tools and systems, which may require technical expertise.

Security Concerns

Protecting client data is a top priority, and security concerns can be a significant barrier to client portal implementation. Ensuring that the portal meets industry standards for data protection is crucial.

Ongoing Maintenance

Once the client portal software is up and running, maintaining it is a challenge. This includes keeping the software updated, managing user accounts, and troubleshooting issues as they arise.

How to Use A Client Portal

Using a client portal like Agency Handy can streamline your interactions with clients, making your workflows more efficient and enhancing the overall client experience. Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Set Up Your Portal

Begin by signing up for Agency Handy and creating your workspace. This workspace will serve as the hub for all your client interactions. Customize your portal by adding your company’s branding, such as your logo and color scheme, to create a professional and cohesive look.

Step 2: List Your Services

Agency Handy allows you to create a detailed service catalog that showcases all your offerings. List each service with clear descriptions, pricing, and options, making it easy for clients to understand what you provide and select the services that meet their needs.

Step 3: Onboard Your Clients with Customized Forms

To optimize the onboarding process, use Agency Handy’s customizable intake and order forms. You can personalize these forms to collect all the necessary information upfront, such as project requirements, client preferences, and essential contact details. This reduces the need for back-and-forth communication and ensures that you have all the details you need to get started.

Step 4: Manage Projects and Tasks

Within Agency Handy, you can set up projects and assign tasks to both your team and your clients. Use features like Kanban boards and task tracking to keep everything organized. Clients can log in to check progress, provide feedback, and stay updated on project milestones.

Step 5: Share Documents Securely

Upload important documents directly to the portal, ensuring they are securely stored and easily accessible to your clients. Agency Handy’s secure file-sharing features help protect sensitive information while keeping all your documents organized in one place.

Step 6: Streamline Communication

Use the built-in messaging system within Agency Handy to communicate with your clients in real time. You can also post announcements and updates to inform everyone about important changes or milestones.

Step 7: Handle Billing and Payments

Manage your invoicing and payments through Agency Handy’s integrated billing features. Send invoices, track payments, and even set up automated payment reminders to ensure timely transactions, all within the portal.

Step 8: Monitor Client Activity

Agency Handy provides tools to track client activity within the portal. Regularly review these insights to understand how clients interact with your services and identify areas for improvement.

The 5 Best Client Portals You Should Consider

Selecting the right client portal is crucial for managing client relationships and improving business operations. Here are six top client portals to consider:

1. Agency Handy: For All Digital Agencies

Agency Handy is customized specifically for digital agencies and marketing teams. It offers a range of features designed to streamline task management, client communication, and team collaboration.

Agency Handy: For All Digital Agencies

Key Features:

  • Shareable service catalog
  • Customized forms to streamline the client onboarding
  • Customizable client portals with branding options
  • Secure document sharing and approval workflows
  • Order management tools like kanban boards
  • Ticket management features
  • Quotation and proposal feature
  • Split payment and subscription management feature
  • Integrated billing and invoicing features

Pricing: Starts at $49/month (annually) and offers a 14-day free client portal trial.

Best For: Digital agencies, marketing teams, and service providers who need a specialized tool for smooth client onboarding.

2. ManyRequests: For Design Agencies

ManyRequests is a comprehensive client portal software for small businesses, design agencies, and freelancers. It offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to manage client requests, track project progress, and handle billing all in one place.

ManyRequests: For Design Agencies

Key Features:

  • Customizable client dashboards
  • Design and client feedback and approval
  • Integrated invoicing and payment processing
  • Time tracking to track your team’s productivity.

Pricing: Starts at $79/month (annually) and offers a 14-day free trial.

Best For:  Design agencies and freelancers who need a straightforward, all-in-one solution for managing client interactions and project workflows.

Further Read: ManyRequests: Sign Up, Login, and Overview [2024]

3. SuiteDash: All-in-One CRM Platform

SuiteDash is a versatile client portal that combines CRM, project management, and client portal functionalities into one platform. It’s ideal for businesses looking to integrate multiple tools into a single, cohesive system.

SuiteDash: All-in-One CRM Platform

Key Features:

  • Customizable branding and white-labeling options
  • Client communication tools, including messaging and announcements
  • Advanced project management with project automations and task tracking
  • Email campaigns and drip campaigns

Pricing: Starts at $180/year and offers a 14-day free trial.

Best For: Businesses of all sizes need a robust and flexible platform to manage internal operations and client-facing activities.

Note: Read SuiteDash Review to decide whether it is suitable for you or not.

4. Clinked: For White-Labeling

Clinked is known for its secure client portal solutions that cater to industries with strict compliance requirements. It provides a highly secure environment for document sharing, project collaboration, and client communication.

Clinked: For White-Labeling

Key Features:

  • End-to-end encryption for secure document sharing
  • Real-time collaboration tools
  • Customizable client workspaces
  • Client portal app for on-the-go access

Pricing: Starts at $95/month (annually) and offers a 10-day free trial.

Best For: Legal firms, financial services, and other industries that require high security and compliance standards.

5. Service Provider Pro (SPP): For Service-Based Businesses

SPP is specifically designed for service-based businesses, offering a client portal that simplifies client onboarding, order management, billing, and client communication. It’s perfect for agencies offering recurring services.

Service Provider Pro (SPP): For Service-Based Businesses

Key Features:

  • Automated order processing and client management
  • Customized forms for smooth client onboarding
  • Client communication tools, including messaging and support tickets
  • Customizable client dashboards

Pricing: Starts at $99/month (annually) and offers a 14-day free trial.

Best For: Service-based businesses that need an efficient way to manage recurring orders and client relationships.

Further Read: Service Provider Pro: Sign up, Login, and A Complete Overview

How Do You Select The Right Client Portal?

When selecting a client portal, focus on these key aspects:

How Do You Select The Right Client Portal

Ease of Use

When choosing a client portal, ease of use should be a top priority. You want a portal that’s simple for both you and your clients to navigate. A user-friendly interface minimizes the learning curve, making it easier for everyone to get the most out of the platform.

This not only enhances the user experience but also saves time and reduces frustration. Look for a portal with an intuitive design and clear instructions. This way, you and your clients can focus on what matters most, without getting bogged down by complicated features.


Protecting your clients’ sensitive information is non-negotiable. Strong security features are essential in any client portal. Look for options that offer robust encryption, ensuring that data is protected during transmission and storage.

Access controls are also crucial, allowing you to manage who can view or edit certain documents. Additionally, audit trails provide a record of who accessed what and when adding an extra layer of accountability. 

These features give both you and your clients peace of mind, knowing that their information is secure.


Your client portal should reflect your brand and meet your specific needs. Customization options are vital for creating a portal that aligns with your business identity. 

Whether it’s adjusting the layout, incorporating your logo and colors, or tailoring features to your workflow, customization makes the portal feel like an extension of your brand.

This personal touch can enhance the client experience, making them feel more connected to your business. A well-customized portal not only looks professional but also helps reinforce your brand’s presence every time a client logs in.


A client portal should seamlessly integrate with the tools you already use. Whether it’s your CRM, email, or payment gateways, the portal should work in harmony with your existing systems. 

This ensures a smooth workflow, allowing data to flow effortlessly between platforms.

When everything is connected, you save time and reduce the risk of errors. Look for a portal that offers integration with your key tools. By doing so, you can streamline your operations and keep everything running efficiently.


As your business grows, your client portal should be able to grow with you. Scalability is an important factor to consider. You need a portal that can handle an increasing number of clients and adapt to additional features as your needs evolve.

Whether you’re expanding your client base or introducing new services, a scalable portal ensures you’re not limited by your technology. This flexibility allows you to focus on growth without worrying about outgrowing your tools.


Even with the best tools, issues can arise. That’s why reliable customer support is essential when selecting a client portal. Ensure that the provider offers timely and effective assistance whenever you need it.

Whether it’s troubleshooting, training, or general questions, having a support team you can count on is crucial. Good customer support can make all the difference in ensuring your portal runs smoothly, and your clients remain satisfied.


In conclusion, a client portal is an essential tool for businesses looking to enhance communication, streamline project management, and improve client satisfaction. 

By choosing the right client portal tailored to your specific needs, you can elevate your business operations. 

Whether you need smooth client onboarding, secure document sharing, streamlined billing, or efficient project collaboration, the right portal will help you build stronger, more transparent relationships with your client.


What makes for a good customer portal?

A good customer portal is secure, user-friendly, and customizable. It should offer essential features like secure document sharing, easy communication tools, and seamless integration with your existing systems. Additionally, it should be scalable to grow with your business and provide a consistent, branded experience for your clients.

How do I add a client portal to my website using Agency Handy?

  1. Sign Up and Create a Workspace: Start by signing up on Agency Handy and creating your workspace, which will become your portal’s unique URL.
  2. Customize the Portal: Upload your logo, select brand colors, and customize the domain to match your website.
  3. Set Up User Access: Define permissions and invite clients to create accounts within the portal.
  4. Integrate Tools: Connect your CRM, billing systems, and payment gateways like Stripe for seamless operation.
  5. Embed the Portal Link: Add a “Client Portal” link to your website’s navigation menu, directing clients to the portal.
  6. Test and Launch: Ensure everything works smoothly, then make the portal live for your clients.

What are the benefits of automation and efficiency features in a client portal?

Here are the benefits of automation and efficiency features in a client portal:

  • Saves Time: Automates routine tasks like billing and document sharing.
  • Reduces Errors: Minimizes the risk of manual mistakes.
  • Enhances Communication: Ensures consistent and timely updates.
  • Increases Productivity: Frees up time to focus on delivering better client service.

What industries do client portals use?

For accounting firms, they reduce the risks associated with emailing sensitive documents like tax returns. IT companies use them for dashboards and reports, while law firms utilize them for secure client communication. Solopreneurs manage clients and projects, investors share financial insights, and nonprofits communicate with members.

Picture of Tasin Ahmed

Tasin Ahmed

Meet Tasin Ahmed, a seasoned content writer specializing in the SaaS niche, with a particular focus on project management. With a knack for creating engaging and informative content, Tasin helps businesses communicate complex concepts in a simple, effective way.
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